How to hire your first employee

Hiring your first employee is one of the most important things you will do as a business person. You need to get it right.
Starting a new business is an exciting, and stressful, time for any new entrepreneur. One of the toughest phases that any new business can experience is growth. There will eventually come the point where you will reach the limit of what you can achieve as a one-man show. When it comes to hiring your second in command; you need to not only make sure you are choosing the right person for the right role but that you are in a good position to hire. Here are some items to check off your list when hiring your first employee.
Recruiting – know what you need
Full time, part time or just a few hours a week? Salesperson or office admin? Deciding which role you need to hire for first is just as important as the person you hire. Are you gathering more interest than you can keep up with and need a second salesperson to help with demand? Or are your suppliers not getting paid and admin is backing up? Perhaps you need both. Sitting down and deciding the most important role to help you to get to the next phase of growth is important. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of hiring your first employee but don’t hire because having a second salesperson sounds good, hire because you need them. 

Advertise the role
Choosing the wording and platform to advertise your position can be just as important as the person you want. Ensure your job description is as detailed as possible so candidates know exactly what they are applying for. Vague titles, such as Business Development, can mean different things to different people so try to add as

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