Cyber Security Tips: Stay Smart Against Cyber Hackers

When it comes to corporate cyber security attacks, the biggest threats originate from an unlikely and most of the time, unaware source—the employees.

According to a recent SolarWinds study, untrained employees are noted as the largest threat at federal agencies (53%). Furthermore, organizations without security awareness programs report security incidents costs to be four times higher than their peers. And as recent attacks have shown, recovering from the hack is no small cost.

Simply put, employee actions are one of the biggest threats when it comes to the fight against cyber hackers. Reasons range from lack of awareness, lack of training and lack of organizational security protocols. From sending emails to the wrong recipient to opening attachments from unknown senders, everyday employees add risk to their organization’s work and data. But the threats don’t just come from lack of email training either. Weak passwords are an additional risk, as more than one billion passwords are already stored in a Russian database.

The first step in the fight against cyber attacks is by having employees become aware of their actions. Below are SolarWinds’ 7 Simple Cyber Security Tips every employees should know and use in their daily work.


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