Make your commute work for your business

Here are seven ways to make your commute work for your business.

Write a to do list

A long commute in the morning can be tiring – a morale-sapping grind for business owners. However, with the right attitude, it is possible to turn that train or bus journey into an opportunity for productivity. Get organised first thing in the morning, and prioritise the things you need to get done that day. By the time you reach the office, you’ll already be ready to start your first task.

Check your emails

A lot of time can be wasted at the outset of a business day going through your inbox, clearing out the emails you’ve received since the day before. Do this on your mobile on your way to work and save yourself time later. You’ll also get a head start on any urgent correspondence.

Make calls

If you’ve got calls to make and it’s not too early in the morning, there’s no reason you can’t start during the commute. Take the opportunity to check in with your team, follow up with clients and chase new prospects.

Consider your goals

Separate from the day’s to-do list, take some time in the morning to consider your broader goals for your business and yourself. Are things moving in the right direction, could you be doing something differently? The morning is a very good time to consider these questions before you get too busy.


Whether it’s something light to empty your mind before getting stuck into the work day or an article specific to your industry, the commute is an excellent chance to catch up on your reading list.

Learn a new language

Whether it’s to foster better a foreign business relationship or just for personal reasons, learning a language is an excellent way to be productive on the way to work. Moreover, learning a language has never been easier thanks to apps like Duolingo.


If you live close enough to your business, why not leave the car at home and either cycle, run or walk? Getting the blood pumping in the morning is likely to make you more productive throughout the day, and will save you time in the evening if that’s when you usually squeeze in your exercise.

READ MORE: How to speak to your customers. 

Main image from Shutterstock. 

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