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Flat Roofs. Is the Bad Reputation Justified?

We’ve all heard the stories. Whether we’re sharing friendly small talk at the school gates or deep in pub conversation with old friends. Hours can be wasted discussing roofs. When talking about roofs, it seems everyone has a horror story, whether it be poor construction on a new building or a degrading roof on an older one. While all these stories are different, a common denominator stretches through these conversations. It is a streak so common that it could be considered folk wisdom. Yes, we’re talking about that old chestnut that flat roofs are a nightmare.

We guarantee you’ve heard the stories about felt flat roofs getting ripped up when the lightest wind blows or a leak springing after a gentle summer downpour. Despite their popularity on extensions and new builds, flat roofs have an image problem.

However, throughout the country, roofing companies are determined to change this erroneous assumption that somehow flat roofs are of a lower quality than their pitched roof counterparts. One of these companies is KCL Roofing, which would like to announce their new flat roof installations and repair services.

KCL Roofing

Ask any of KCL Roofer’s team of highly qualified and experienced roofers, and they’ll tell you that the bad reputation of flat roofs is based on some of the less-than-stellar laying techniques used in the past. Techniques for laying felt roofs that proved problematic haven’t been used for over two decades. Modern flat roofs won’t give you any more trouble or require any more maintenance than pitched roofs. Contemporary equipment and roofs built with proper drainage in mind have made flat roofs highly durable and long-lasting.

KCL Roofing knows this better than most. They are a multi-generational company with over three decades of experience. They have remained at the forefront of roofing innovations, ensuring that they can provide their clients with the very latest materials and laying techniques at competitive prices. Their new flat roofing services combine their modern approach to roofing with their generations of experience.

Flat Roofing Maintenance

Okay, new flat roofs may not have the problems of old, but what if you’re stuck with one of these older installations? Don’t worry, as KCL Roofing provides its clients with an extensive roof maintenance service. This can include fixing issues, relaying the roof, or, in cases where it can’t be salvaged, a complete reinstallation.

So, if you’re planning a home extension, updating your current roof, or building a property, contact KCL Roofing today, your flat roof specialist.

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