Award Winning – What’s the Point?

This was my thought process prior to today – what is the point of awards and do they really benefit my business? I have seen many businesses flaunt their award winning this and their award for that and even some businesses who claim that they are award winning without stating what their award is for.

Well I have now joined the ranks of the award winners myself – not for export, not for sales and not even for the amount of businesses I have grown. This wonderful scene on the left is the winner of the Tourism NI Picture Perfect award for 2015!

Whilst not really relevant to the benefits I provide for my clients – it has changed my perception about them. It is my belief that benefits coming from awards fall into 2 main areas, independence and recognition.


Awards are really only of value if they come from an independent and reputable source – “employee of the week” or awards based on the size of your membership fee creates only scepticism and doubt over your product or service. But if your awarding body ticks the independence box it brings great credibility to your business.


It’s great to be recognised and this was a major influence in my change of heart. I always believed I had “a decent eye” but when the judges chose my image, it confirmed my belief. You may believe your product or service is excellent but your potential clients are more likely to take someone else’s word for it. This recognition can also have a major influence upon your staff, building confidence and pride and these have a major impact on productivity.

Words of Warning

IMG_3827Awards are like my image – a snapshot, a moment in time and all because your product or service is award winning in 2015 there is no guarantee that it will be in the future. Plaques and certificates fade and gather dust and if left hanging around your receptions and marketing material without being up to date will lose their effectiveness and lustre. So if you are not striving for those awards annually make sure they don’t hang around as a sign post of past glory days.

So bring on the perfect picture award 2016!

As always I appreciate your comments, your feedback and the sharing of any of my blogs.

The Business Therapist – making your business better.

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