The Definitive Guide to Local SEO

Local businesses are finding it increasingly important to have an effective online strategy. The days of knocking up a cheap and cheerful website that acts as a glorified business card are long gone.

The simple fact is that the businesses with a top ranking are the ones who are getting the lion’s share of the traffic.

But equally true is that these businesses haven’t got an amazing (and expensive) marketing team working for them. In fact, all they have done is to focus on some straightforward techniques that any small business owner can put in place.

That is exactly the reason why Pickaweb put together the Definitive Guide to Local SEO to help any small business owner to get their online strategy back on track – quickly.

Here we’ve got a quick summary of some of the key points to help you hit the deck running.

The Basics

First up there are some SEO basics that need to be put in place. This is all about applying some best practices to your site.

Things like keyword selection, setting up metatags, using keyword rich URLs, linking between pages, adding more pages for specific products or services, etc..

These are definitely quick wins and should be your first priority.

Name, Address & Phone (NAP) Citations

As well as fixing up your site you need to ensure that you get listed in authority websites – especially those related to local businesses. These are called local citations and they are very important for any local business serious about getting traffic.

But you need to ensure that you are listed consistently across them, especially your business name, address and phone number – hence the acronym NAP.

Fortunately there are loads of NAP sites to chose from and you should also pay attention to niche citation sites.

This is definitely an easy win. That is not to say it isn’t time consuming although there are a number of companies like BrightLocal that can do all this for you.

Link Building

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to you. In recent years it has gained a tarnished reputation because people tried to game the system and were penalised by Google.

However, it is still a legitimate strategy for any business and despite the mystery that surrounds it there are still some surprisingly easy ways to get links for your local business.

Google My Business

These days if you are serious about getting traffic from Google then you need to play by their rules and that means setting up and configuring your Google My Business listing.

Creating your listing is just the first step and you need to make sure that you optimise it and make full use of all the features that Google provides for you.

Blogging for Local Business

Most local businesses do not have a blog. Possibly because they either can’t see the benefits or they can’t think what to write about or maybe they are just in a plain boring industry.

But there are definitely benefits to blogging for any local business. You just need to get started and create some initial content ideas for your blog.

Customer Reviews

Getting reviews is a vital part of any local SEO strategy these days. In fact you may have noticed that the local businesses that tend to get a high ranking have got one thing in common: Google reviews. Go check it out.

People often think that getting customer reviews or testimonials is difficult. But there are easy ways to get customer reviews too.

Video for Local SEO Success

With great video cameras in most smartphones these days there is no excuse not to make videos for your business. You can create great quality videos using your iPhone and some basic equipment.

But it isn’t just about creating video for the sake of it. Video can be a great way to improve your site’s ranking.

So, it’s: Lights, iPhone, Action!

Mobile – The Future of the Net

These days people aren’t just sitting at home browsing the web. They’re out and about using their smartphone or tablet. In fact the growth in mobile usage is staggering and is behind Google’s decision in April 2015 to promote mobile friendly websites in their mobile search listings.

First up you need to check if your site is mobile friendly. If it isn’t then one of the ways you can address this is to consider switching to a responsive website.

Google+ for Local SEO Success

Google+ is Google’s social platform and it is increasingly important for local SEO success.

There are some basics that you need to ensure that you get the most from Google+ but there are considerable benefits for any local business.

Tools of the Trade

There are loads of great tools for Local SEO whether you want to get the basics right, get on top of your NAP Citations, create a better blog, get more reviews, use video or get more mobile traffic.

by Pickaweb

The post The Definitive Guide to Local SEO appeared first on Small Business Can.

€10 Million in Funding Available to Businesses: Action Plan for Jobs

On May 15th 2015, a new initiative was launched for 10 Million Euro to be granted to businesses and organisations across the country with the view to support job creation.

The launch was announced at the Carlow Enterprise House, with official members of state present such as An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, Minister for jobs, Richard Bruton TD, and Minister of State for Business and Employment, Gerald Nash TD.

The location of the launch was strategically planned at Carlow Enterprise House as it was celebrating its 10th birthday.

This initiative is part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs that aims to create 100,000 new jobs by 2016 across the country. The regional scheme, available to 8 regions in total, allows for Enterprises boards and other organizations which promote employment to bid for funding.

The initiative is separated into two forms of funding:

  • €5 million fund for collaboration by the 31 LEOs on regional-specific initiatives and granted on a competitive basis to Local Enterprise houses, with projects that have the greatest potential to create employment opportunities.
  • €5 million Community Enterprise Initiatives fund, available through Enterprise Ireland, for new and existing business or community groups to collaborate on projects which will strengthen the job creation potential of their region.

The closing date for both types of funding in July 10th 2015.

The Taoiseach made it clear “We are all here today for two reasons – to support local jobs and to support local enterprises creating them.”

After the conclusion of speeches from different speakers including members of State and Official from Carlow Enterprise Board, the Taoiseach took time to speak with local companies who had gained momentum, with the help from the Carlow Enterprise Board.

Maven TM, a company based in the Carlow Enterprise House since 2011, had previously encountered a visit from An Taoiseach in 2013, for the forecast of new job creation within their business.

When asked by An Taoiseach on the progress of this creation of jobs, Mark Cradock, MD, was able to confirm that this prediction had been met and the business was expanding further, leading to the company moving to a larger office space to facilitate growth.

“The success of the Carlow Community Enterprise Centre is an excellent example of local people taking action and control at local level.”, said An Taoiseach.

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6 Recruiting Strategies You Should Be Paying Attention To

Recruiters need to have a host of techniques and life skills to bring in the best candidates out of a pool of thousands. Being a recruiter requires a pro-active approach to seeking out and finding the best talent in your industry. While employment applications are a good place to start, some of the best talent isn’t looking for your company. They already have jobs they are happy with, and it’s your responsibility to convince them that taking a chance on your company is worth the risk. Let’s look at some key recruiting strategies that are gaining in popularity.

1. Recruiting Strategies – Getting Referrals

Word of mouth is still one of the best ways to find new recruits. Asking for referrals from people you trust and respect can help you find hidden talent. Recruiters that ask for referrals are much more likely to locate qualified candidates with a good work ethic. Referrals can be found by talking to other people at work, looking for recommendations on social media and talking with old teachers, colleagues and friends. A good referral program is still the number one source of leads, and for good reason since they generally result in reliable and dependable employees. If someone is willing to stick their neck out for another person, it means there is something to that person.

2. The Shortlist

Make a short list of the top candidates for the position you’re trying to fill. When a candidate flat out refuses to join your company, keep them on the list and follow up every six months to a year. In the meantime, ask them if there are any candidates they would recommend since it’s obvious they aren’t going to come aboard. This tells the candidate that you value their opinion, and it just might introduce you to another qualified candidate. Constantly update your short list, and don’t be afraid to completely scrap a list that doesn’t meet the goals of the company and start over.

3. Use Glassdoor

Glassdoor helps employees connect with recruiters, and locate jobs that they will love. Reviews of companies are available at Glassdoor, and this can help an employee narrow down the options when it comes to looking for the next job. Users can search through a list of jobs, reviews, companies, salaries and interviews. All of this data makes it easier to find recruits and evaluate a company before a candidate applies for a job.

If your employees aren’t using Glassdoor, encourage them to do so to help get the word out about your company. A few reviews will go a long way toward helping you recruit new talent in your industry. They are also a fantastic way to measure your current employees’ trust in the CEO or upper management (for example, check out the difference between Nu Skin’s rating and that of Zappos.)

4. Use Social Media

Social media is a great way to recruit potential candidates. Using a Facebook account, you can search for users that match the interest and qualifications you’re looking for. While many Facebook users won’t make this kind of information about themselves public, there are a vast number of profiles that do. This is especially true with LinkedIn users who might provide more information since that site is specifically tailored toward business professionals.

Twitter users pose more of a challenge, but you can quickly sort through filters and find the most prominent users for any given field to increase your short list. Take advantage of the leverage that social networks provide in the recruiting process, and connect with users when it’s most convenient for them. Create a social media page for the company and list any job offerings that are available as well. This helps let other people find you by searching for their interests.

5. Host Meetups

Recruiters that host or sponsor a Meetup generally have good results with new recruits. When you participate in a Meetup, you gather a group of like-minded individuals who are there for the sole purpose of learning about your company. The Meetup can be casual and provide recruits with a relaxed, friendly environment where they can ask questions and learn more about your company. Some of the most successful recruiting strategies involve a Meetup at some stage of the recruiting process. It’s a great way to get all the candidates together and see how they react in a social setting.

6. Visit Colleges and Universities

Colleges and universities are a great way to find young candidates with an excitement and zeal to change the world. Recent college graduates make up for a lack of experience with tremendous energy, and a desire to do well in their first post-college job. Setting up a booth during the opening week of classes, walking around during lunch time and meeting students in their departments are all great ways to locate prospects and build your short list. Colleges and universities are great places to meet potential employees that want to work hard and do a good job.

Work hard on your recruiting strategies, and focus on developing one new strategy each week. By focusing your efforts, you can be more productive and find the right talent and skill-sets needed for your company to succeed. Attempt to do everything at once, and you’re likely to get overwhelmed and be less productive in your recruiting goals. Take some time each day to reflect on what you want to accomplish, and then devote all of your energy and resources toward achieving that one goal.

The post 6 Recruiting Strategies You Should Be Paying Attention To appeared first on Small Business Can.

Fixing Twitter

Twitter is suffering. And it is not just the markets that think so. As an avid Twitter user (since 2009) I am beginning to feel that it’s value has been diminishing significantly in recent years and that fixing Twitter is something that needs to be done.

What are the Causes?

The following represent three major factors I believe are negatively impacting it’s utility:

1/ Lack of Engagement

2/ User Profiles

3/ Signal v Noise Ratio

In this article, I concentrate on the issue of engagement, describing what the engagement challenges are, before exploring what if anything Twitter can do to resolve them?

But first some context.


Like any platform, the user groups and use cases are wide and varied. As a source of breaking news, Twitter is unrivalled. As a way to track leading influencers, and to curate content its value is immense. However, the issue of engagement is a most pressing one for professional users looking to use Twitter within the context of their professional lives. And it is in this context that the lack of engagement becomes a major issue.


A primary goal for people tweeting is to gain attention, and a ‘response’ signifies engagement, and evidence that you have captured someone’s attention. In essence, engagement equates to a quasi dialogue, with other users reacting to what you’ve (tweeted) written.

But more often than not, the vast majority of Tweets are simply met with a wall of silence (save for a small minority). You are ‘speaking alone’ as the Greek’s defined such ‘monologues’. And that’s not much fun.

Most people who Tweet do so with the aim of getting noticed, or to stimulate engagement i.e. via a reply, a RT, a click-through or even to have some key followers see certain tweets. What they definitely don’t want is for no one to see the Tweet or to not engage.

Reasons for Low Engagement

The reasons for low engagement are varied, and include:

Content: The tweet is simply not interesting or relevant to your immediate followers

Followers: The low follower numbers of the person tweeting plays a significant role. On the flip side, those with large follower numbers struggle with other challenges

Structure: The tweet’s structure is sub optimal (including appealing images, hashtags or twitter handles for example improve engagement)

Noise ratio: The sheer volume of tweets drowns out your Tweet

Mobile: The growth in mobile. It is harder for users to engage via mobile devices which dominate usage (easier to ‘just consume’ on a mobile)
Asynchronous Nature: When you Tweet, there may be very few of your key targets/ key followers listening i.e. those who you really want to see the tweet.

Shelf Life: With an estimated shelf life for Tweet’s of a mere 18 minutes the likelihood of an engagement occurring is pretty slim (especially for those with low follower numbers)

However, many of these issues are very hard to fix.

Follower numbers is a key factor. Despite best efforts, the majority struggle to get above a few hundred ‘real followers’ i.e. discounting spam accounts, inactive accounts, and those who resort to buying followers. Most give up after initial efforts fail to offer any value in terms of engagement.

Others simply ‘free ride’ using Twitter as a source of news or enhanced RSS feed, choosing to consume rather than to produce. But like all platforms, the producers need to be incentivised, because without them the free riders have nothing of value to consume. And engagement is the key commodity that these same producers value.

The Problem

The problem is that Twitter’s business model relies on providing advertisers with access to ‘prospects’, with whom one can look to engage. Professional users will also seek engagement, often as a means to further commercial ambitions.

But what if no one is engaging?

Is there any value to an advert appearing in a timeline someone is scrolling quickly through? I think not.

What is the value of engagement in the form of a ‘like’ from an anonymous account? None.

What incentive have you to Tweet if it is falling upon deaf ears? Not much.

This is why engagement is such a crux issue for Twitter and it’s users. So what can be done to increase it?

Increasing Engagement

1. Build Follower Numbers

First and foremost, it is a case of building follower numbers, as engagement is naturally a function of audience.

But for most, this is a long play requiring an ongoing commitment, and is much easier said than done. Most new users to Twitter simply refuse to invest the time.

2. Create Compelling Tweets

Creating compelling Tweets, which in turn helps to boost follower numbers and to drive engagement.

But again for most, this is a long play, requiring an ongoing commitment, and is much easier said than done.

3. Add Twitter Handles in Tweets

Engaging directly by replying, retweeting and using others Twitter handles in Tweets will also help to engage.

However, adding @twitter handles to most tweets is simply not practical not least due to the character limits and again other factors are equally important.

4. Engage in Conversations

By participating in conversations yourself you stimulate dialogue and thus engage.

However, these are other peoples conversations, and a response will not always lead to subsequent engagement.

5. Tag Other Users

Twitter’s recent addition of tagging via the ‘Who’s in the photo?’ feature is an attempt to encourage engagement, as is their Retweet with Comment addition.

However, this approach too has limitations, as the recipient of the tag has no say in being tagged.

Engagement Remains Illusive

The problem is that despite these ‘best practice’ approaches, engagement remains illusive. In terms of ‘real engagement’, we are very much in ‘unicorn’ territory. And this lack of engagement is becoming a very real issue, especially for more active professional users. (I am deliberately drawing a distinction here in terms of use cases, referring to professional users of Twitter rather than say free riders or anonymous users).

If the user can’t easily influence engagement, then the onus shifts very much back on the provider to build features that support this goal. And while Twitter are well aware of this issue, their attempts to rectify it to date have fallen well short of what is needed.

For example the recently released direct DM feature seems to simply facilitate more spam, and as mentioned above tagging is initiated by others without you having a say. Neither serve to facilitate engagement.

Broadcasting Still Dominates

The combinations of factors described above still lead to the vast majority of people ‘shouting without being heard’ as broadcasting dominates. And given that engagement is one of the key incentives for Twitter users to produce, it serves to reason that a lack of engagement diminishes the overall appeal of the platform.

A Solution?

Would fixing the timing issue help improve engagement a little?

Knowing when your audience is logged in and *potentially* listening offers a great means to align effort with an increased likelihood of engagement. Of course the need to build an initial audience still remains a challenge, and this approach can’t resolve coordination challenges.

Take Skype as an example.

When you log on you see a dashboard with green ticks telling you who is online. You can then have a conversation by calling someone – safe in the knowledge that they are probably available (thus increasing your odds of connecting).

Imagine if Twitter had the same dashboard flagging those who were ‘online’ (It would naturally need to be on an ‘opt in’ basis, and where the accounts both follow each other).

Surely that would increase engagement encouraging more serendipitous ‘conversations’ to occur? After-all dialogue trumps monologue every time.

Perhaps you could use certain Twitter lists to allow push notifications when a certain number of key Twitter accounts were online simultaneously?

Why is this of Interest?

For those using Twitter as a professional platform, anonymous accounts and celebrities add to the noise. They want to engage with real people who share their interests.

Professional users want to market to real people, engage with key influencers or read the latest blog posts from thought leaders.

Wouldn’t be great to know when a large percentage of those you want to influence were ‘logged in’ (via a green tick) enabling you to push relevant content which will show up in their Twitter feeds.

What about being able to set an alert to push a tweet targeting when one of your key target followers were online so you could schedule a tweet accordingly?

The Law of Unintended Consequences

Like all applications though, safe guards would be needed to prevent abuse, so that facilitating greater engagement does not equate to increased spam. And of course this is a key challenge for Twitter as features designed to achieve one thing can lead in a whole host of other directions.


Whatever the solution, the asynchronous nature of Twitter does not facilitate engagement in it’s current guise. And unless they tackle the issue urgently many of their active users are likely to join the growing band of ‘free riders’. Perhaps Twitter need to look more closely at the bigger picture. As Mary Meeker pointed out in her annual Internet Trends (2015) presentation, 6 of the Top 10 most use apps globally are messaging apps!

‘WhatsApp for Twitter’ anyone?

In the next article, I’ll take a look at issues associated with the disparate profiles represented on Twitter and how the current arrangement incentivises the wrong types of user.

Alan Gleeson is a B2B marketing consultant based in London.

Follow Alan Gleeson on Twitter (Please Engage)

This article originally appeared on Linkedin Pulse

The post Fixing Twitter appeared first on Small Business Can.

Help Available for Small Microbusinesses With InterTradeIreland’s ‘Elevate’ Programme

Exporting can seem like such a large step to the smallest businesses on our island, however, it can be less daunting with the help of InterTradeIreland’s ‘Elevate’ programme which supports micro-businesses as they make this move.  The sales development programme assists small businesses, in particular those with fewer than ten employees, to develop sales opportunities through first time cross-border exports.



The Elevate programme provides sector-specific sales support of up to £5,000 across a range of sectors including food and beverage, ICT and Engineering as well as many others.  The programme has already helped 245 small businesses and since 2013, those businesses which have been surveyed following completion of Elevate have generated new cross-border sales of approximately £2.6million.  In addition, over the same period, 31 new jobs were created and 52 were sustained.


Specialist support

Small businesses participating in Elevate can choose from a list of more than 100 experienced industry specialists.  These experts can then help them to identify sales leads in the cross-border market, negotiate deals, share relevant market insights, identify market research requirements and offer advice on the development of marketing materials.


Programme success for Antrim company

A shining example of what can be achieved through the Elevate programme, is the achievements of Advance Machinery Installation Ltd, a micro-business from Antrim. The company specialises in the relocation of single pieces of machinery right through to complete factory moves and re-organisations.  All of Advance’s clients are large manufacturers and customers in Northern Ireland include Bombardier, Diageo, Ryobi, Coca-Cola and Kerry Group.


Before the Elevate programme, Advance carried out around 90% of its business in Northern Ireland with the remaining 10% in the Republic of Ireland.  Alistair Carson, director, believed that the cross-border market could offer new leads but he didn’t have the time or resources to investigate properly.


Potential cross-border leads

In the past the firm had approached the cross-border market periodically and had never proactively searched for new business. They knew that there could potentially be leads but with a small team, the micro-business was busy focusing on the clients they already had.


Results of the Elevate Programme

Advance Machinery was delighted with the Elevate programme and said that what they had achieved within six months of taking part would have taken them years!  Where the firm had previously relied on the phone ringing to get jobs in the south, the Elevate consultant had turned this approach on its head and now the business was actively pursuing business.


This targeted approach has been very beneficial to Advance Machinery and it has highlighted that there really are opportunities out there if you go looking for them.


Since taking part in the Elevate programme, the firm has increased the level of business they do in the Republic of Ireland from 10% to 30%.  They have secured orders in Ireland in the region of £240,000 through Elevate, including major contracts with Sonoco, Manninckrodt and Norland with several other leads to take forward.


Support necessary to expedite success

As small companies make up 96% of businesses on the island it is essential that they receive the support they require to expand and flourish.


The cross-border market is often an underutilised but logical first step to wider export markets, giving experience of varied legislation and working with a different currency but has the comfort of being more accessible. Once mastered this makes looking at European markets a more realistic prospect.  The Elevate programme was designed with simplicity in mind to remove as much bureaucracy as possible.  As such, a relatively simple and straight-forward application process was devised and put in place. I would urge all interested small businesses with less than £1million turnover to register their interest and apply to Elevate today.


Like to know more?

For more information on the Elevate programme, including full eligibility criteria visit

Making the right move: Thomas Hunter McGowan, chief executive of InterTradeIreland joins Alistair Carson, director of Antrim-based Advance Machinery Installation, to encourage all micro-businesses across the province to take advantage of the Elevate programme which is now open for applications. Advance, which specialises in the relocation of machinery, believes the fully-funded initiative by InterTradeIreland, enabled them to grow their cross-border business from 10%-30% in around six months and is urging other small firms to benefit from this growth opportunity. For more information, visit

Making the right move: Thomas Hunter McGowan, chief executive of InterTradeIreland joins Alistair Carson, director of Antrim-based Advance Machinery Installation, to encourage all micro-businesses across the province to take advantage of the Elevate programme which is now open for applications.

The post Help Available for Small Microbusinesses With InterTradeIreland’s ‘Elevate’ Programme appeared first on Small Business Can.

Influencer Marketing to Spread your Brand’s Identity

Our product is unique, Our service is innovative! Customer’s inboxes are getting flooded with these marketing pitches. But how many of them actually get influenced by these words? May be a few of them… but what about the rest of the customers? As they receive impressive marketing messages from so many different brands, customers become sceptical about which brands to belief and choose and which one to avoid.

Marketers often do not understand how they can get their messages heard and absorbed. However, the key is identifying and empowering a brand’s most influential fans and followers to their network. Who are these influencers? They are individuals who have a sway over your audience, who have large followings in certain niches and affect opinions. The process eventually increases the visibility of your products and services. So how do you market them?

Put away the sales pitch. Your aim should be to bring people into your’ Marketing Sphere of Influence’. And once they arrive, it is your responsibility to deliver, engage and build the bond with your customers. The process is comprehensive but not difficult to achieve…

Search your Influencers from your Industry

With social media marketing being the buzz of the world, it is the easiest way to see who is talking about your brand. As you follow the influential, check out what and who they follow. You must recognize that influence is contextual. Your influencers entirely depend on what you’re trying to accomplish.  Participate in regular conversations relevant to your industry. Besides, some of the online tools also help you to see who’s sharing your content and how influential they are.

Do not Confuse Influencers with Reach

Some people assume that to find the influencers, they have to reach as many people as possible. However, influence marketing is all about reaching the right set of people. The motive should be to make the right people identify your brand. Create content that is specifically designed to attract the attention of the influencers. Try to follow the principle of reciprocity that says people are more likely to take interests in your stuff only when you take an interest in their stuff first.

Target and own your Niche

If you want to become the authority in your industry, you need to know your niche well. Do not jump into selling your products first. Read their content, articles, and discussion threads that you may come across. Do not overlook the loyal blog readers who subscribe to your newsletter, give interesting comments on your posts, or retweet your tweet. Focus on the primary influencers who get you traction. Own them by commenting on their blog posts, reply back on Twitter, respond to their Facebook status updates   and send them emails pitching your products and ideas. Do not underestimate the power of communities.

The more you interact with your influencers, the better you’re amplifying your brand message.

Sell through your Content

Look at the influencers as your potential consumers of your products. The product, in this situation is your content. You can probably apply AIDA’s progressive techniques in sales which incorporates four major factors to consider

Attention: Gain your influencer’s attention with a brief intriguing subject line

Interest: Draw their interests through genuine data and exclusive videos

Desire: Elicit a desire with emotional marketing (content) that most closely reaffirms with your products and audiences’ beliefs

Action: Ensure that your pitch includes the required call-to-actions.

Engage your Influencers

Engage people in your marketing space. Some of the best ways to drive engagement are through forums, groups, or communities. Google+, LinkedIn or Facebook will help you have the pipeline straight to the right people.  But how do you choose among the bazillion groups on LinkedIn or Google+? Make sure that your group

  • Are fit for your market
  • Are actively involved in
  • Have active and engaged members

However, be ready to manage the traffic before you start growing your marketing sphere.

Show some Love and not Business

Leveraging your influencers begins with building a strong bond with your customers. Investing in a superior customer experience and checking how frequently your customers speak about your brand on social media should be a top priority. If required interact directly with the customers, provide loyalty programs, promotional discounts, or create customer advisory board. This gives enough opportunities to encourage positive, organic and authentic sharing about your brand.

Attributes that make the Influencers

Echo: An influencer should be able to mobilize opinion and create reactions when they converse about a topic

Exposure: The size of the influencer’s community in a specific area is an important attribute to consider

Share of voice: influencer’s degree of participation on a given subject matter is a significant factor to regard.

You’ve Enough Reasons to Pay More Attention to the Influencers

Influence Marketing for Better Targeting

Word-of-mouth is the best searchlight that goes through every social network to find the most interested consumers.

Advanced SEO with Influence Marketing

By interacting with Facebook users and influencing their networks, marketers are able to reach a new group full of qualified prospective.

Influencers Affect Decision Making Process

Preferences or decisions coming from friends, families and social media networks always have a strong impact on the buyer’s purchase decisions.

Companies who understand the value of influence marketing stand to gain if they plan and execute well.



The post Influencer Marketing to Spread your Brand’s Identity appeared first on Small Business Can.

Influencer Marketing to Spread your Brand’s Identity

Our product is unique, Our service is innovative! Customer’s inboxes are getting flooded with these marketing pitches. But how many of them actually get influenced by these words? May be a few of them… but what about the rest of the customers? As they receive impressive marketing messages from so many different brands, customers become sceptical about which brands to belief and choose and which one to avoid.

Marketers often do not understand how they can get their messages heard and absorbed. However, the key is identifying and empowering a brand’s most influential fans and followers to their network. Who are these influencers? They are individuals who have a sway over your audience, who have large followings in certain niches and affect opinions. The process eventually increases the visibility of your products and services. So how do you market them?

Put away the sales pitch. Your aim should be to bring people into your’ Marketing Sphere of Influence’. And once they arrive, it is your responsibility to deliver, engage and build the bond with your customers. The process is comprehensive but not difficult to achieve…

Search your Influencers from your Industry

With social media marketing being the buzz of the world, it is the easiest way to see who is talking about your brand. As you follow the influential, check out what and who they follow. You must recognize that influence is contextual. Your influencers entirely depend on what you’re trying to accomplish.  Participate in regular conversations relevant to your industry. Besides, some of the online tools also help you to see who’s sharing your content and how influential they are.

Do not Confuse Influencers with Reach

Some people assume that to find the influencers, they have to reach as many people as possible. However, influence marketing is all about reaching the right set of people. The motive should be to make the right people identify your brand. Create content that is specifically designed to attract the attention of the influencers. Try to follow the principle of reciprocity that says people are more likely to take interests in your stuff only when you take an interest in their stuff first.

Target and own your Niche

If you want to become the authority in your industry, you need to know your niche well. Do not jump into selling your products first. Read their content, articles, and discussion threads that you may come across. Do not overlook the loyal blog readers who subscribe to your newsletter, give interesting comments on your posts, or retweet your tweet. Focus on the primary influencers who get you traction. Own them by commenting on their blog posts, reply back on Twitter, respond to their Facebook status updates   and send them emails pitching your products and ideas. Do not underestimate the power of communities.

The more you interact with your influencers, the better you’re amplifying your brand message.

Sell through your Content

Look at the influencers as your potential consumers of your products. The product, in this situation is your content. You can probably apply AIDA’s progressive techniques in sales which incorporates four major factors to consider

Attention: Gain your influencer’s attention with a brief intriguing subject line

Interest: Draw their interests through genuine data and exclusive videos

Desire: Elicit a desire with emotional marketing (content) that most closely reaffirms with your products and audiences’ beliefs

Action: Ensure that your pitch includes the required call-to-actions.

Engage your Influencers

Engage people in your marketing space. Some of the best ways to drive engagement are through forums, groups, or communities. Google+, LinkedIn or Facebook will help you have the pipeline straight to the right people.  But how do you choose among the bazillion groups on LinkedIn or Google+? Make sure that your group

  • Are fit for your market
  • Are actively involved in
  • Have active and engaged members

However, be ready to manage the traffic before you start growing your marketing sphere.

Show some Love and not Business

Leveraging your influencers begins with building a strong bond with your customers. Investing in a superior customer experience and checking how frequently your customers speak about your brand on social media should be a top priority. If required interact directly with the customers, provide loyalty programs, promotional discounts, or create customer advisory board. This gives enough opportunities to encourage positive, organic and authentic sharing about your brand.

Attributes that make the Influencers

Echo: An influencer should be able to mobilize opinion and create reactions when they converse about a topic

Exposure: The size of the influencer’s community in a specific area is an important attribute to consider

Share of voice: influencer’s degree of participation on a given subject matter is a significant factor to regard.

You’ve Enough Reasons to Pay More Attention to the Influencers

Influence Marketing for Better Targeting

Word-of-mouth is the best searchlight that goes through every social network to find the most interested consumers.

Advanced SEO with Influence Marketing

By interacting with Facebook users and influencing their networks, marketers are able to reach a new group full of qualified prospective.

Influencers Affect Decision Making Process

Preferences or decisions coming from friends, families and social media networks always have a strong impact on the buyer’s purchase decisions.

Companies who understand the value of influence marketing stand to gain if they plan and execute well.



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Startups! How to Write a Press Release (please!)

For your benefit and ours, here are some tips on how to make it easier to get yourself media coverage.

We love startups, we’re here to help. Irish Tech News is growing, and growing. We are getting more and more press releases. Some are great, some are, well, here are some notes to help you, and us. Thanks a million!

1. Yes to great images, at high resolution. No to pixellated, pdf embedded images. If you can’t be bothered to promote yourself well, why should any one else.

2. Answer the who, what, why, when, where, how questions. We have had press releases that leave more questions unanswered than a murder mystery book.

3. No caps in title, ITS SHOUTING, if your title and story are compelling enough you will entice people’s interest. Not by shouting at them.

4. No long, boring, quotes from politicians. If your product is good enough, then you tell us why. Politicians are always going to say nice, long, roundabout things about everything, you, your product, everything and the weather too.

5. What problem have you solved? Tell us please. You launching a startup or a product is not actually that interesting to anyone else. Unless you can tell me why you’ve done something interesting / helpful / useful to me, or someone I care about, somewhere in the world.

6. Use simple language. You may want to show how smart you are, but using jargon, and TLA’s (three letter acronyms, or 2 or 4 LA’s) just loses your audience. It’s actually smarter to be able to explain your product in plain English. If you can’t, then …

7. Less is more. 500 – 700 words is plenty. Possibly even too much.

8. Give us a headline. We may not use it, but at least you’ve given us an idea of what your 3 second pitch is, yes our attention span is getting shorter and shorter.

9. We like explainer videos. So do our readers, include links to them. And if you don’t have them, point that smart phone back at yourself, and make even a basic 60 second one. You never know, it might just go viral.

10. Please give us your social media details, and for accounts that you actually still use and care about. People will read these articles about you, and some will even click on the links. It may sound weird, but we have the data to prove it.

11. If you hadn’t guessed already, humour is great too. Don’t sweat it, better to be clear, but if you can be funny, you might just make our day too. Thanks. And if you haven’t seen this one, then join the 33 million who have.

By @SimonCocking

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Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Sadly, not all businesses that start end up remaining operational in the long haul. Part of the reason of the failure of most startups has to do with failing to understand the things that need to be done to guarantee success. If you ask the most successful entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic, Bill Gates of Microsoft or Larry Page of Google, what is the secret behind their success, these business leaders will tell you that you must be willing to do some things whether you like or not. Let’s look at some more traits of a successful entrepreneur.

The definition of success might differ from one business guru to another. However, one thing remains the same amongst the most successful entrepreneurs – they have common characteristics. The prudent thing is to place a check next to every characteristic you feel you possess. This helps you to evaluate how much you stack up. Although you do not have all of the characteristics, you should not fret. You can learn most of them through exercising patience and practice. You can also be among those in the top league by developing a winning attitude. This is especially true if you set and apply your goals through strategic planning.

Always do what you enjoy most

If you want to venture into business and are clueless about the type of business to start, just find out the exact thing that you love doing. Whatever you derive out of your business in form of enjoyment, stability, financial gain and personal satisfaction shall be the sum total of whatever you put into the business.

Therefore, if you do not enjoy whatever you are doing, then the likelihood is that you will find it necessary to assume that it will reflect in success of business or subsequent lack of it. Actually, if you do not enjoy what you do, chances are high that you will never succeed.

Always give whatever you are doing the seriousness it deserves

Sadly, most people start businesses without being serious. You cannot expect to enjoy success in business if you don’t believe in your business. For you to be successful and effective, you must be willing to give it the seriousness it deserves. Most home businesses for instance fail to take off because of lacking seriousness and passion. Home business owners are easily distracted. This leaves such a negative impact on the business. The failure to be motivated all through is also a recipe for disaster. You must be willing to keep your nose to the grindstone.

Don’t fall prey to the naysayers that obviously don’t take you seriously, because you work from home. These skeptics do not know that a good number of home based businesses that make quite some good income exist. Therefore, ignore them and do your thing.

Always plan everything

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Most entrepreneurs take this popular aphorism lightly. You should plan every aspect of your business including the minor details. Develop habits that you are willing to maintain no matter what. Business planning requires you to analyze every business situation. It also entails researching and compiling data and making conclusions based mainly on the facts revealed through research.

Your business plan also serves as a second function. It helps you have your goals on paper and on how to achieve them. With a business plan, you have a clear road map that will take you from one place to another. You use it as a yardstick to measure the success of all the individual segments of your business.

Always manage your money wisely

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business enterprise. You must purchase inventory, replace or repair equipment/tools, market or promote your business and pay for services among other countless things. For this reason, as a business owner, you must become a wise money manager. This ensures that you keep the cash of your business flowing. A wise money manager also pays all his bills in time. Two aspects of wise money management exist. These are:

  • The money you get from your clients in exchange for services and goods you provide
  • The money you use on your wages, supplies, inventory and other items required to keep the business in operation

The customer is your reason for existence – it is all about the customer

Most entrepreneurs forget that they exist because of the clients. They even go ahead to produce classy and stylish products. Even if your products are the flashiest in the market, and they don’t meet the needs and wants of your customers, then be sure that you are heading nowhere. Remember that you are in business not to beat your competition, but to satisfy the needs of your customers. Your business should revolve only around your clients or customers, period!

After all, aren’t the customers who inform your need to go into business or not? Everything you do and every decision you make should be customer focused. This includes your website, promotional campaigns, advertising campaigns, presentations, operating hours, payment options, warranties, and policies. Moreover, you must be in the know of exactly who your customers are, upside down and inside out.

Project nothing short of a positive business image

You only have a passing moment to make a memorable and positive impression on all the people you intend to do business with. You must always go out of your way to make a conscious effort to project a professional business image. You must be willing to do anything it takes to create an impressive image of your company. By maintaining a professional image of your business, there is no doubt that people will take your seriously and you will in turn enjoy considerable profits.

The above top tips will help your business perform exceptionally both in the long and short run.


Charlie is one of the most successful writer when it comes to matters entrepreneurship. He is the author of one of New York’s best sellers on start ups. Talk to him today about national debt reviews.

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What Does a Conservative Government Mean for Small Business

For better or for worse, the Conservative government achieved a majority vote this election. For business owners, it will probably come as no surprise that things are about to get a lot easier for us financially and legislatively. But just what have the Conservative party promised for small businesses? Let’s take a look at how their policies will help us in the coming years.

Conservative Government Boosting Start-Ups

The Conservative party are aiming to boost the number of start-ups every year to 600,000 by 2020. They will be reviewing the benefits available for the self-employed and trebling the start-up loan programme. Also, to encourage entrepreneurs further, they are aiming to invest more money into superfast broadband, so people can easily conduct their business from the comfort of their home.

Slashing Red Tape

Many businesses complain that red tape, such as regulations and paperwork, costs them time and money. The Conservatives are planning on drastically reducing the regulations restricting business, in the hope that it will save billions of pounds every year. Businesses will have more freedom to do what they like.

Hiring and Firing Rights

With a Conservative government in power, the rights and power will move from employees to employers. It’s likely that companies will be allowed to hire and fire at will, without fear of ramifications, under a proposal called Beecroft, which was previously quashed by the Liberal Democrats. Employment tribunals will become even more obsolete, and it will mean that any employees that aren’t pulling their weight can be quickly replaced.


There is a big question mark over whether we will remain a part of the European Union or not. This subject divides business owners, so you may think that this is actually a negative, depending on your company and its goals. Either way, Europe is going to be a big deal after this election – do you want to stay in, or do you think we should leave?

Late Payments

Late payments are a huge problem for small businesses in the UK. It massively interrupts cash flow and can cause serious issues – in fact, many companies go out of business because of late payments alone. The Conservative party will look at ways that we can legislate against late payments effectively. It isn’t doing the economy any favours and it should tighten up our fiscal processes.

Although this is an important governmental step, if you have experienced cash flow problems and you are unsure how best to react, this getting paid on time guide should help provide clear guidance on how to deal with such a scenario.

Investment in Infrastructure

Infrastructure will receive some much needed funding, to make it easier for businesses to meet up with their clients. In particular, a rail line will be built from Birmingham to London, which is great news for anyone living there. This will also help to spread the wealth from our capital city, out towards other cities in the UK. Freelancers and the self-employed will particularly benefit from this.

Cut Taxes

Wealthy business owners will rejoice when they hear that, yes, Osborne plans to cut taxes for businesses, in order to help them flourish. This will also encourage other large companies to set up shop in the UK, further boosting the country’s economy.

Are you happy that the Conservatives were elected? Let us know in the comments below.

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