Seven signs you’re a workaholic

Do you skip holidays, shun hobbies or constantly check emails on your work phone? If the answer is yes, you could be addicted to your job. 
If you are starting or growing or running a business, it is often impossible to avoid long hours and high levels of pressure. However, this kind of stress isn’t good, no matter how ‘macho’ it is perceived to be. Below are seven signs you may be harming your most valuable asset – your health.
1.    You bring your job home
Passion and dedication are key elements to success in any role. However, it’s also important to have a place away from work where we can unwind; this is usually found at home. While it may sometimes be necessary to bring a piece of work home when a deadline is approaching, when a person starts doing it on a regular basis it could be a sign, they are addicted to their job.  
2.    Not being in work makes you anxious 
Nerves can be good; they can keep you sharp and are a good indication that you care about what you’re doing. However, if you experience anxiety simply because you are away from your desk and are unable to enjoy yourself after hours, there’s a good chance you’re a workaholic. 
3.    You skip holidays 
It’s great to be able to say you love your job, but everyone needs a break now and then. Of course, getting time off can sometimes prove tricky, but if you actively avoid taking holidays instead of more work, you could have a problem.

4.    You don’t take sick days
Having a clean slate where it comes to sick days is commendable. However, if working through an illness puts your health or that of others at risk, you may well be addicted to your job. 

This post was originally published here - on

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