4 reasons to enter the Business Achievers Awards (or any other)

Why do we in Smallbusinesscan think you should apply for the Business Achievers Awards (BAA)? Or any award for that matter. We think it could be a big deal for you and your business.

You still have time to apply and receive the many benefits! You have until Friday 25 September

1. It will help you raise money

Winning a category in BAA or other prestigious competitions is a very strong validation for the winners when it comes to grants or finance applications. All the state agencies, bankers, investors and other money men are part of the eco system of these competitions and they keep an eye on what’s going on. You get a chance to impress them with your application and meet them at lots of different events.

2. It will help you win customers

The BAA and other competitions are a great opportunity to get free publicity. Can you imagine the opportunities if you win a region or a category? Just think of the collateral for your website alone and the validation it gives customers and partners. We know of companies that have won BIG  contracts on the back of being part of the business achievers.

3. It will help you strategise

It’s taking about 25 minutes to fill in the online form. That form will help you think about your business and its strategy. It’s designed to help you elucidate your business model. Forget about the judges, it will help give you a clear sense of where your business is and where it’s going.

4. It will help energize the company and all its stakeholders

The Business Achievers, as far as we can see, is one of the few prestigious all island competitions that seems to be embracing all SMEs; that’s acknowledging and acclaiming SME achievement. It is definitely the oldest all Ireland business competition. As business owners we all deserve a little bit of time in the sun, as do the families that support us and the colleagues that are in the trenches with us.

The form will take 20-30 minutes max. It’s worth the time spent!

Submissions are closing on Friday, September 25th, so find that 25 minutes and go here and express what your business is all about.

Need Help?

If you want feedback before you send your submission, book a chat here.

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