Complacency – The Death Knell of Small Business

Let’s look at how complacency effects business.

1. True Customer Engagement
What do I mean by true customer engagement? I mean not just firing information and content to a regular list of current and potential customers, but more importantly, it means listening to what they have to say. It means a consistent engagement, across your customer journey timeline.

There are many tools available to allow you to listen to your customers and your competitors customers online; – Talk Walker, Google alerts, trip advisor, Facebook, Twitter, etc. But one of the most successful is one of the oldest – sitting down with your existing clients and asking for their opinion. This request needs to be authentic, genuine and heartfelt. Be prepared for and to act upon uncomfortable feedback. MAKE SURE YOU THANK THEM FOR THEIR FEEDBACK.

2. Innovate
It is possible for every product or service to be innovated, switched up or turned on its head. Combinations with other providers to create collaborative ventures can initiate something that is unique and a major differentiator from the market.

Use your consumer feedback, market research and have regular innovation meetings with staff and maybe even include your customers, with the sole objective of making your proposition better.

3. Keep Your Focus
Never lose sight of what solution your customers are purchasing from you, rather than what you think you’re selling.

Convenience, quality and speed may be some of those reasons. The why someone does something is more important than the how. If you take time to understand your clients or prospects “why”, it will be the key to unlocking your success and avoiding complacency.

4. Value your customers
Everyone wants to feel important and that the business they bring to you is valued by you.

Recognition can come in the form of loyalty vouchers and discount but one of the simplest and most effective methods is to tell them in a genuine manner. Where achievable, not by email or telephone call, a handwritten note/letter, lunch, coffee or in way that is personal to them, e.g. tickets to that show they wanted to see will have a long lasting impact.

5. Consistency
Deliver a uniform customer experience across all aspects of your business.
I know this may sound strange, especially in line with my comments on innovation. But once a client has gotten to know you, they almost certainly want to know that they can count upon you and that you are reliable. The smallest of hiccups can have the largest of impacts.

If you endeavour to make these elements a part of your customer experience design process, you will almost certainly keep ahead of the competition and provide solutions for your clients that will ensure their long-term loyalty.

As always I appreciate your comments, your feedback and the sharing of any of my blogs.

The Business Therapist – making your business better.

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