Email Marketing Tips: Boost Your Efforts

Most businesses take a laid back approach to marketing, and they’re surprised when they get lukewarm results. That’s stupid. If you want a good response rate from email, you have to crush it with your message. Read on for some meann email marketing tips.

Stop Using Popups

Why, oh why, do businesses still use popups on their website? It’s truly baffling. According to the usability experts at Norman Nielsen Group, people hate popups. They hate them. Hate them! 95 percent of people strongly associate popups with a negative view of the company or an overzealous marketing department (that makes it an almost universal truth), and 69 percent of users install or use pop-up blockers to avoid them.

Among the chief complaints are that popups obscure what they’re looking it, forces the page to load slowly, tries to trick you into clicking on it, and some of them don’t have a “close” button.

Still marketers rationalize them because they “get great conversions.” But, when you look at engagement and conversion to sales, or activity on the list, you see a huge drop off. Yeah, more people might sign up to your email list. But, many of those people won’t buy your stuff. Stop using popups.

Use Social Data To Segment Lists

Segment your list. When you do this, you create more meaningful connections on your mailing list because you’re better able to target the message to a particular group of people. For example, if some prospects are interested in “product A” on your site, and some are interested in “product B,” having your list segmented into “A” and “B” lets you send targeted messages to both groups, thereby pleasing everyone.

Send Real Content

If you’re using this mortgage software, there’s no reason why you should need to send people a pitchfest via email. Let the lead management software handle the sales aspects of the campaign. When sending emails, send out real content – editorial stuff – not sales pitches.

Ask Questions

Ask users questions via email, and ask them to respond. It’s natural for people to respond when you ask them to. If you don’t ask, people won’t. All you need is a simple like like, “What are your biggest challenges concerning ________? Hit reply right now and tell me what you think.”

You will get a flood of responses.

Be More Personal

Being more personal doesn’t always mean using the personalization features found in every autoresponder program. But, more and more, businesses are turning away from generic sales  emails. According to Hubspot, the CTR of an email is higher when the recipient’s name is in the subject line.

But, don’t overdo it. Experian found that “you/your” are better perceived than “I” and “we.” Finally, try to write your emails as though you were speaking with a friend.

Use Social Sharing Right In The Email

When you put social sharing buttons right in the body of your email, your message will get shared more than if you don’t. Social sharing buttons have a 158 percent higher click-through rate than emails without.

Send At The Right Time

According to HubSpot, weekends are the best time to send emails. Specifically, Saturday at 6AM. Use it.

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