Product Launch Perfection: Thinking Outside the Box to Create a Loud Buzz

Why is it that some product launches are a huge success and get everyone talking about them for weeks afterwards, while others are forgotten instantly? It is essential to get yours to stand out, but that is easier said than done. However, there are a number of tactics you can employ, and here are some of the most effective to build buzz.

What Do You Hope to Gain?

What is your reason for planning a product launch? It may seem like an obvious question, but it is one that you need to answer. And your answer should not be “because everyone does it”.

Instead, try to have one or a few specific goals that you want to achieve, which could involve: increase market share, create more awareness, grow customer base, or anything along those lines. Focus on these during the planning and execution of your launch, and you will be able to better measure whether it was a success or not.

Start Building Excitement Well in Advance

Months before the launch, start to build excitement about the big day. Write blog posts, provide hints in social media that something big is coming, get people talking, suggest you have something really exiting in the works.

This will all help to get others talking about it, and people may start to guess what you are going to release. Get as much media attention as possible, because the more stories that appear in the press prior to the launch, the more people will be interested to find out what you are releasing. Forbes has some good info on product launches, so take a look for some more tips.

Add Something Special

Make sure anyone who attends is treated well at the launch event. Provide them with chocolates like the boxes from Martins Chocolatier, serve up a wide range of drinks and refreshments, and make them comfortable during the launch. Give away other freebies and make sure they feel like they are welcome.

Focus on the Benefits

With a lot of products, focusing on the benefits is the most important way to attract attention. Some products will require more focus on the features, especially if you have a new and exciting feature to promote. But for your launch, place an emphasis on how your product or service is going to help people, to change lives, to make life better in some way.

Make It Exciting

Make it big. Make it exciting. Invite the big names from the industry and do whatever you can to get them to attend – the more big names you can attract, the more people will be interested in covering the launch. Ensure you send out invites to all the important industry professionals and bloggers, and even if they don’t attend, at least they will know about it.

Whatever you do, stay away from a boring, dry speech to introduce your product. Use video, music and a captivating presentation. Don’t bore your guests. Do something exciting or different during your launch, and there is more chance that they will write about it.

Plan the Launch in Detail

Ultimately, a successful launch all comes down to careful planning. Start planning your launch a long time in advance, which often means many months before the actual launch. Use this time to plan all the details but also to build up buzz so that by the time the day arrives, you know your launch is going to make a splash.

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